To save or to spend? Everyday life dilemmas

Today we are revising one of the most ancient economic problems: to save your earnings for future consumption or to consume them on the same periods they we’re received. We will dwell in various aspects about how our decision on saving and consumption can affect our lives! Economics Tremendous benefits can be obtained by accumulating assets (saving) as you can invest in higher capital demanding projects, which usually yield better returns. Imagine you are offered an investing opportunity with a return twice the actual active interest rate, but in order to chip in you must pay manifolds your monthly income. In order to benefit you should have already been saving for a while! The same logic applies to economies as a whole: by having many people in the financial systems saving, bigger projects can be financed. That’s why governments should encourage savings within their country: by using the internal credit market wisely and productively, they can fund infrastructure programs a...